• April 25, 2024


Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

Stuck in Area A: How We Were Duped into Disowning the Palestinians

By Ramzy Baroud Are you surprised that there has been little mobilisation to help Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Damascus, which is overrun by militants, and besieged by the Syrian army? Palestinians – and Syrians – there are killed in a myriad of ways, including starvation. As we stand and watch […]

Ramzy Baroud News

CrossTalk: Obama Doctrine – with Ramzy Baroud, Stephen Schlesinger, and Brian Becker

How should we describe the Obama administration’s foreign policy – idealistic, pragmatic, neither, or merely erratic? On the one hand, Obama is reaching out to Cuba and Burma, but on the other he’s backing coups in Egypt and Ukraine. Is there such a thing as the Obama doctrine? CrossTalking with Ramzy Baroud, Stephen Schlesinger, and […]

Articles Global Affairs

An Interview with Ramzy Baroud: The Rise of Religious Powers and the Failure of the Left in The Middle-East

Souad Sharabani: In the past three decades or so, Communists, trade unionists and secular nationalist movements like pan Arabism were replaced by religious and ethnic dividers as the forces that mobilize, galvanize and divide the people in the Middle-East. We see the same results in every country with different circumstances. What are the factors that […]

Articles Middle East Palestine/Israel

My Missing Family in Syria: Naming and Shaming in Yarmouk

By Ramzy Baroud Members of my family in Syria’s Yarmouk went missing many months ago. We have no idea who is dead and who is alive. Unlike my other uncle and his children in Libya, who fled the NATO war and turned up alive but hiding in some desert a few months later, my uncle’s […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Sinai: Can Egypt Resolve Its Fight against Armed Groups? (Inside Story)

How can Egypt resolve its fight against armed groups and address accusations of marginalization? Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault Guests: Muhamed Sabry – a photojournalist and Egyptian activist living in Sinai Omar Ashour – senior lecturer on Middle East politics at the University of Exeter, and a security specialist Aymenn Al-Tamimi – fellow at the Middle […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Ramzy Baroud at Al Jazeera’s Inside Story: Seeking a solution for Egypt’s troubled Sinai Peninsula

It has been occupied and fought over, fuelled accusations of lawlessness and neglect, and seen promises made and broken to its people. But ongoing concerns about security in Egypt’s troubled Sinai Peninsula have been answered with successive military responses. And the threat now posed by an armed group linked to the Islamic State of Iraq […]

Articles Middle East

¿La guerra del Yemen como oportunidad?

Ramzy Baroud Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández. Sugerir que las políticas de EEUU en Yemen han sido un “fracaso” sería un eufemismo. Implicaría que EEUU habría tratado al menos de conseguir el éxito. Pero “éxito”, ¿en qué? La guerra estadounidense con aviones no tripulados no tenía otro objetivo más que celebrar la […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Baroud Moderates the MEE DEBATE: Is the Conflict in Yemen Sectarian?

Is the Yemen crisis increasingly sectarian? The MEE team considers this question – and what consequences this could have for the country and the region. Short version: Full version:

Avec Netanyahou, plus de faux-semblants : fin de la « relation spéciale »

Imaginez qu’un candidat à la présidentielle américaine lance un appel à ses partisans un jour d’élection en faisant la déclaration suivante : « L’administration républicaine est en danger. Les électeurs noirs se rendent en masse aux bureaux de vote. Les ONGs libérales les amènent en autobus ». Même dans un pays où Chris Matthews est […]

Palestinian Nation Has Right to Prosecute Israel at ICC: Analyst

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ramzy Baroud, the editor of the Palestine Chronicle in London, and Richard Hellman, the president of the Middle East Research Center from Washington DC, to discuss the possibility of Israel’s prosecution at The International Criminal Court (ICC) over its crimes against Palestinians. Baroud believes that Palestinians, like any […]

Expert : les raids aériens ne servent qu’à attiser le conflit au Yémen

Le chroniqueur et spécialiste du Moyen-Orient Ramzy Baroud a expliqué dans une interview à RT que les raids aériens contre les positions des Houthis au Yémen ne servent qu’à attiser le conflit.

Debate: Will ICC Charge Israel with War Crimes?

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has welcomed the ‘State of Palestine’ as its 123rd member, a move that can pave the way for Palestinians to prosecute Israel for its war crimes. In this edition of the Debate, Press TV’s guests Ramzy Baroud, editor of the Palestine Chronicle from London, and Richard Hellman, president of the Middle East Research Center from Washington […]

Articles Global Affairs Middle East

The Collapse of the Obama Doctrine: Yemen War as an Opportunity?

By Ramzy Baroud To suggest that the United States policies in Yemen were a “failure” is an understatement. It implies that the US had at least attempted to succeed. But “succeed” at what? The US drone war had no other objective aside from celebrating the elimination of whomever the US hit list designates as a terrorist. But […]

The Roadmap for a Palestinian Strategy

It is not difficult to speak of the Palestinians’ need to surmount ideological, factional and political divides. But the challenge is not as easy as a mere collective nod of agreement that division is indeed at the heart of the Palestinian crisis. Real, urgent action is needed. Firstly, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) of Mahmoud […]

The Collapse of the Obama Doctrine in Yemen

For a long time, the US seemed invulnerable to what even Yemen analysts admit is an intricate subject to understand, let alone attempt to explain in a straightforward manner. The US drones buzzed overhead independent from all of this. They “took out” whomever they suspected was an al-Qaeda affiliate. President Barack Obama was even revealed to have […]

Ramzy Baroud News Videos

Baroud, White and Alsaafin: What’s next for Palestinians? (Video Debate)

After Benjamin Netanyahu’s decisive victory in the recent Israeli elections, what’s next for Palestinians? Join our three speakers as they delve into whether or not the Joint List will have any impact in the Knesset, the Palestinian Authority’s stance from Netanyahu’s re-election, and if Palestinians will be to unite under one banner. In this clip […]

Articles Palestine/Israel

Eight Urgent ‘Musts’ Needed for Palestinians to Defeat Apartheid

By Ramzy Baroud Waiting on Israeli society to change from within is a colossal waste of time, during which the suffering of an entire nation – torn between an occupied home and a harsh diaspora – will not cease. But what are Palestinians and the supporters of a just peace in Palestine and Israel to […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Avec Netanyahu, plus de faux-semblants… Que du racisme à l’état pur !

Imaginez qu’un candidat présidentiel américain lance un appel à ses partisans un jour d’élection en faisant la déclaration suivante : « L’Administration républicaine est en danger. Les électeurs Noirs se rendent en masse aux bureaux de vote. Les ONGs libérales les amènent en autobus. » Même dans un pays où Chris Matthews est une célébrité des médias et […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Red Card Israeli Racism

With Fearless campaigner for Palestine, Baroness Jenny Tonge in Cardiff today, a day in which Wales said it very loudly: “Fair Play for Palestine: Don’t Play with Israeli Apartheid”. My keynote speech went very well, as a large audience and an impressive list of speakers, unionists, footballers .. came to take part in the event […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Les Palestiniens de 48 sont une composante majeure de la cause palestinienne

Info-Palestine.eu : Le score réalisé lors des dernières élections israéliennes par la Liste Commune – fédérant plusieurs organisations politiques représentant les arabes israéliens (ou Palestiniens de 1948) – place cette liste en 3e position à La Knesset, avec 14 sièges. Peut-on considérer ce score électoral comme un évènement majeur, spécialement dans un contexte de renforcement des […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Eight Urgent ‘Musts’ Needed for Palestinians to Defeat Apartheid

1. Abbas, Oslo must go First, the most difficult obstacle to overcome is the stronghold of Mahmoud Abbas and his corrupt circle on Palestine’s political discourse at home. This is not an outcome of Abbas’s particular savvy or the genius of his class. The post-Oslo circle only exists to maintain the status quo: US interests […]

Articles Global Affairs Palestine/Israel

Netanyahu the Mythbuster: ‘Special Relationship’ No More

By Ramzy Baroud Imagine if an American presidential candidate made a plea to his supporters on election day with the following statement: “The Republican administration is in danger. Black voters are going en masse to the polls. Liberal NGOs are bringing them on buses.” Even in a country where Chris Matthews is a media celebrity […]

Articles Middle East

El Estado Islámico, ¿un fenómeno de Occidente?

Ramzy Baroud – Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández. Parece como si los dirigentes del denominado “Estado Islámico” (EI) estuvieran recibiendo consejos de los principales islamófobos del mundo a fin de demonizar a los musulmanes y estuvieran tratando de vivir cumpliendo las expectativas de organizaciones dedicadas a propagar el odio como la American […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Ramzy Baroud in Cardiff March 28: ‘Don’t Play with Israeli Apartheid’

Join me, Ronnie Kasrils, Mahmoud Sarsak, Baroness Jenny Tonge, Jill Evans MEP next Saturday, March 28 in Cardiff, as they say: Don’t Play with Israeli Apartheid. Visit the page below for details .. Wales says, “Fair Play for Palestine: Don’t Play with Israeli Apartheid” Campaign Launch and Rally: Speakers include: RAMZY BAROUD Journalist, Author of […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Netanyahu the Mythbuster: ‘Special Relationship’ No More

For Netanyahu’s main challenger, Isaac Herzog, Palestinians hardly existed. The occupation was a non-issue for him and for most Israeli political rivals for that matter. His foreign policy programme was either identical to Netanyahu’s or was largely based on deferring foreign policy issues to a later date. The soft-speaking Herzog had no qualms about keeping […]

Teroristički napad zbog mjesta za parkiranje?!

Nedavna egzekucija troje američkih muslimana na Univerzitetu u Sjevernoj Karolini nije bilo obično ubistvo, niti je ubica obični prestupnik. Sama ubistva, njihov kontekst, te reakcije medija i zvaničnika na ovaj strašni događaj su svjedočanstvo ogromnog zla koje se izrodilo otkada su Sjedinjene Države otpočele svoj beskonačni „Rat protiv terora“ protiv nekad određenog, a nekad neodređenog […]

Articles Middle East

‘Islamic State’ as a Western Phenomenon: Reimagining the IS Debate

By Ramzy Baroud It is as if leaders of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) are getting tips on demonising Muslims from world leading Islamophobes and as if they are trying to live up to the expectations of hate-mongering organisations like that of Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative, whose latest ads all over San Francisco […]

Ramzy Baroud News

Dalia Khalifa: Gaza’s ‘Unbreakable’ Girl

“Dalia’s face charts the pain of Gaza’s children. But also the unrelenting beauty and courage of a generation that seems determined to withstand the seemingly insurmountable hardships,” commented Ramzy Baroud, Palestinian author and journalist. “The fact that life never stood still for the nine year old girl, that she is back at school, although the […]

Qu’est-il advenu de l’intellectuel arabe ?

Toutes les fois qu’un nouveau poème de Mahmoud Darwish était publié par le journal Al Quds, je me précipitais au kiosque à journaux d’Abu Aymen sur la place principale de camp de réfugiés. C’était un endroit bondé et poussiéreux où les taxis délabrés attendaient des passagers, entourés de vendeurs de poissons et de légumes. La […]

Just Geography ..

One message I received today with the subject line: ‘your geography teacher’, was particularity heartening. The sender is a geography professor in an American university. He simply wrote to thank me for the article: ‘The Secret History of My Geography Teacher, also Cofounder of Hamas’. But what I liked most about the email is that […]